Monday, August 23, 2010

Best shampoo for both dandruff, lifeless hair?

I feel like it's impossible to find a shampoo to do all of this but: I am looking for a shampoo that smells amazing, leaves hair shiny, strengthens, gets rid of dandruff, doesn't leave hair greasy, + volumizes hair.

Some do most of what I need + others just do one or two of what I expect in a shampoo.

Any suggestions?Best shampoo for both dandruff, lifeless hair?
If you have dry hair, it's probably not dandruff but dead skin cells that had dried off and fallen off your scalp! Here's a test...part your hair to the side on the left, look for dandruff. Then part in the center. Along the hairline, is there dandruff? Then part to the side on the right. Again, along the hairline is there dandruff? If for all parts there was, that's probably dandruff, but I don't see how your hair could be dry and have dandruff, since dandruff is due to residue and oil glands...unless you use heat tools a lot. Well, what I'd do is to get the small, brown bottle of Neutrogena anti-dandruff treatment, that is a treatment not a shampoo or conditioner. Then I'd get a high moisture conditioner, shine serum, and lightly cleansing shampoo. The closest your going to get to a product that can do all those things is the Ojon deep conditioning treatment. It's expensive, but this is the product you want. It will do all of those things if you leave it in for about five minutes and then rinse it out with the coldest water you can get from your shower/bath faucet. I would recommend then applying to a comb and then brushing it through wet hair John Freida's Brilliant Brunnette, Blonde, or Randiant Red shine shock syrums.Best shampoo for both dandruff, lifeless hair?
Head %26amp; Shoulders makes a volumizing shampoo, but I've never used it before.鈥?/a>
how about the new head and shoulders. there commercial is on tv all the time. They say its like there best product.
hello hydration made by herbal essences you can get it at wal-mart or almost any drug store
I reccomend head and shoulder that's the best for dandruff and it'salso good ti make hair nice shiny. and keep it healthy. There are specific types of head and shoulders i think you should use the one for hydrated hair. Also to get rid of your dandruff you have to shower daily for like 2 months and it will go away

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