Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you give your guinea pig a bath without shampoo?

the backside of my guinea pig is realy dirty and i have never given her a bath. i hear that you should give ur guinea pig a bath once a month but i dont want to use shampoo. how do i do it????? thanks. :DHow do you give your guinea pig a bath without shampoo?
It is very difficult to bathe a piggie without using some kind of cleaning agent with water to remove the dirt.

You can buy pet wipes to clean off surface debris, but only shampoo is going to clean both the hair shaft and the skin. You don't have to bathe your whole piggie---just the part that is dirty.

Incidentally, why is your piggie so dirty? Is the cage not being cleaned regularly enough or does your piggie have diarrhea? Or is your piggie long haired %26amp; dragging the hair through the bedding (and poop)? Guinea pigs are usually very clean animals. If your piggie is dirty, please determine the cause and find a solution so you don't end up with skin issues.

Good luck!How do you give your guinea pig a bath without shampoo?
First off, you don't need to wash a pig once a month, that is way too frequently. We wash our long haired show pigs every other month and the breeders once or twice a year. If you help out with a clean cage, you may not need to wash a short haired pig at all since pigs groom themselves like cats.

Secondly, you wouldn't take a bath and wash your hair without soap and shampoo and expect to get really clean, so why would you expect that your pig will get clean without proper materials? Pigs aren't over fond of baths so if you are going to put her through it, at least get her properly clean!

If you don't want to give her a complete bath, you can give her a ';tail dunk'; where you wash only her back end in a bowl of warm (not hot) water with some baby or kitten shampoo. Rinse her well and towel her dry. You can complete the drying with a hair drier set on low.
That's perfectly fine, all you need to use is a brush (can be a toothbrush), a towel, and hairdryer. When you bath your piggy, make sure it's nice and dry before you put it back into the cage so it doesn't catch a cold. If you do end up using shampoo, use a baby one or one that tear free. Mix a few drops of it into water and that should do just fine. If you want, you can also use a non scented baby wipe to wipe your piggy. Good Luck! ;-)
What is the age? if its really young get a spray bottle and put water and spray her or mist her. Or if it an adult or a senior as i say it, use a half a cup of water and pour it on her and then u might want to do this is the bathtub, and then u get a little wash cloth that has been soked in water for about 5 min. then wash her feet nails and maybe ears and face. (if u can do that) (optional) okay i hope this helps!
i would use a small brush + some water and brush him. i did that to my old guinea pig cuz he was never potty-trained and always stained his belly. i would also stay away from shampoo and soap cuz those things are designed for humans and i don't want them to get into my guinea pig's eyes. but i think if you visit a pet store or talk to a vet, they will have special product for bathing your guinea pig

oh, and never dry your guinea pig with a hairdryer! my friend did that once to her rabbit and it died :(
Why don't you want to use shampoo? It's easier with that.. Just use the Johnson%26amp;Johnson No more tears brand. I use that with my guinea pig and he's always happy.

Hope this helps.
You can use a gentle baby wipe and wipe her down with that, or you can use small animal wipes available at a pet store.
Use a damp washcloth to get the dirt off. Guinea pigs don't really need baths but when they get dirty just use a wet or damp washcloth.

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