Monday, August 23, 2010

Does horse shampoo really make hair grow faster?

I heard that mane and tail works...but does this have any negative side effects?Does horse shampoo really make hair grow faster?
Yeah it makes your hair grow really fast. Also it makes your hair really shiny and soft. I use it all the time and I don't get any negative side effects.Does horse shampoo really make hair grow faster?
Well i ahd it.It was great.But it made my hair very greesy after awhile.
I have personally never used it but my friend is using it to grow her hair out for her wedding. She swears by it. She told me last week that her hair has grown over 3'; in 2 months. I guess it makes your hair coarse though.
that story has been going around for years, and it's not true. the conditioner is so heavy that it weighs hair down, giving the illusion of thicker longer hair, but it does not make hair grow faster.
never used it
i never heard of this why would ne 1 use horse hair wash is beyond me but good luck
well. my girlfriend is trying to grow her hair very long and a good friend of ours suggested horse shampoo as well. She said it works for her and her hair goes to the middle of her butt. She's a pretty politically aware vegetarian and uses mane and tail; I don't think she would if it wasn't okay.
i used it for a while. twas good when i just started but then it made my hair limp and a li'l greasy afterwards. and now it's a bit brittle. i know it's supposed to make it stronger but all it did for me was make the strands thicker.. and not the kind of thick strand that you'd want..(ok, people are now wondering how weird my hair looks like.. it's not that bad at all, but i don't like it as much as i did prior to using.. well.. something.)

now about making your hair grow faster.. i don't think so. not directly, at least. it [claims to] makes the hair thicker/stronger making it less prone to breakage and split ends that keep your hair from growing at a normal rate.

**try massaging your scalp every now and then.. stimulating it gets more oxygen to the cells on it making 'em work more efficiently, thus having naturally healthier hair.

ooh..i'm this much of a geek?? !@??#%$ bleh.
i dont think it has side effects...i guess yes it makes hair thicker and more healthy...aslo use multi vitamins if u need hair growth to b boosted

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