Saturday, August 21, 2010

Which is better to do first - shampoo or conditioner?

Does it make any difference? I usually shampoo after I use conditioner because shampoo has a stronger scent than conditioner, and I want my hair to smell good throughout the day.Which is better to do first - shampoo or conditioner?
I have very thin hair, so I condition first. Thin hair is prone to being weighed down by conditioner. If I put the conditioner on after shampooing, no matter how hard I rinse, my hair still feels a little lifeless. That being said, hair still needs conditioner so I put it on before, let it set for a couple of minutes, rinse out, then shampoo. Works great for thin hair and as I have moved around I have had a few great stylists and all have told me the same thing.

If you have thick hair or frizzy hair, I would say your best bet is to stick with the norm and shampoo first, then dry.Which is better to do first - shampoo or conditioner?
Your supposed to shampoo, then condition.

When I wash my hair and squeeze the water out after rinsing the shampoo and put the conditioner in and leave it on for about a minute and you can still smell it thoughout the day.

Or you can buy a leave in conditioner and put that in after you get out and that would make your hair smell really nice.
well, idk

i shampoo first, because shampoo cleans your hair

then i use conditioner because it like makes it softer and stuff

then if you want it to smell good, idk, like get some spray stuff to spray your hair with to make it smell good.

good luck

I usually shampoo then condition because that is what it says on the bottle....although maybe you should try a 2 in 1 bottle or try a stronger conditioner but it shouldn't matter that much i suppose
shampoo then condition so that your hair will be soft, smooth, silky, and shiny throughout the day.

i use a two in one though and then use conditioner again so that my hair won't be tangled or frizzy
Shampoo. Shampoo is to clean your hair. Conditioner makes it soft. I don't know if it actually makes a big difference though.
Shampoo 2 times and then leave ue conditioner on 4 like 5 min ! Good luck

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