Monday, August 23, 2010


I have oily and sensitive scalp.What should I do?I have tried alot of kind of shampoos.But nothing worked/WHAT IS BEST SHAMPOO IN THE MARKET FOR OILY HAIR?
Well i use pantene pro-v and it works great.WHAT IS BEST SHAMPOO IN THE MARKET FOR OILY HAIR?
well it depends on skin type well u can look for head and shoulders
Head and shoulders
Do Hot oil massages and apply Henna on hair--

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I use CIBU and it works great. But my hairs more on the dry side..

My friend who has that problem uses caviar. I think you can only buy it at salons and online, but she raves thats its what helps. Its a little pricey though.
Try Head %26amp; Shoulders, the lemongrass one. It is made for oily hair, after using it, my hair feels softer and feels squeeky clean. Some other clarifying shampoo could strip too much oil from your hair, where you have to use a conditioner (which makes oily hair OILER!).

If in between hair washes, you can use dry shampoo (spray powder, it leaves oily hair feeling just-washed feeling, I swear by it!) , it doesn't irritate your scalp (but do do a patch test if you are ultra sensitive). good luck!
Irish Spring- cheap too!
i have pretty oiled hair and v05 is pretty good but i find that when i use my little sisters no tangle no burn suave shampo it really makes it not oily and just doesnt have the awfull oil shine to it more of a natural shine hope that works for u
normally a clarifying shampoo will do the trick. Most lines carry their own.
I use sunsilk for oily hair its in a light blue bottle and you can get a conditioner spray with it.

My 7 yr old has to wash her hair everyday but it still looks clean at the end of the day. It does dry her scalp and she eeds to use a good dandruff shampoo every now and then too. She has short hair, i used it in mine which is medium length and no overly oily with out the conditioner spray and it was really hard to brush.
hey, I like aveda products for the scalp. Called Scalp benefits. I like to alternate between the camomile shampoo and scalp benefits shampoo. And I always use the scalp benefits conditioner. Aveda works great for my oily hair and very sensitive scalp, try it out!

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