Monday, August 23, 2010

Is it true that if you mash up birth control pills and mix it into your shampoo it makes your hair grow?

theres no evidence or personal accounts to prove this works.

Really your best bet is to do everything you can to make it grow in healthy so you don't get split ends and have to get more then trims to make it look good.

Washing your hair every other day helps keep you natural oils in place so you hair doesn't get dry and break.

Putting a few small drops of peppermint oil in your shampoo with help increase the blood flow on your scalp and help get maximum growth.

Be careful with you hair and deep condition once a week.

Good luck!Is it true that if you mash up birth control pills and mix it into your shampoo it makes your hair grow?
no. you can't just make your hair grow like that. if that was the case you better believe there would be products out there you could buy with those hormones already in them.Is it true that if you mash up birth control pills and mix it into your shampoo it makes your hair grow?
They say it does make ur hair grow.. Wish i could try but cant! Im not on birth control :[
i dont think so, but people say that

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