Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it okay to bathe a dog with the anti shampoo and still have the anti flea collar on?

Over the counter flea products hurt your dog more than the fleas. You need to go to the vet to have your dog treated and to find out what to use on your rugs, furniture, dogs bed, anywhere the dog goes. it okay to bathe a dog with the anti shampoo and still have the anti flea collar on?
yes it is. The anti flea shammpoo is a topical shampoo that helps the pet rid themselves of fleas currently residing in thier coat. The flea collar is a topical med that will kill hatching fleas for a specific period of time. They are different medications and work in different ways. I would liken it to a human taking tylenol and the ibuprofin. They are for the same things but work in different ways. We do this process on dogs and cats at our grooming salon frequently in flea and tick season.

You will need to rid your home of fleas as well for any flea treatment process to work.Is it okay to bathe a dog with the anti shampoo and still have the anti flea collar on?
1. You don't need flea shampoo. Regular dog soap/shampoo will do the job (suffocates the fleas).

2. Flea collars are dangerous and ineffective

3. Unless you have a flea infestation, all you need is a FLEA COMB. Comb your dog once every day, send the fleas down the drain.

There's no need for dangerous and expensive chemicals like frontline, advantage, etc. No need at all.
NO - you are double dosing your dog with meds. And take the collar off and throw it away - its junk, toxic and doesn't work. Your dog should be on Advantage, Frontline, or Revalution flea meds.
Yes, if you use the anti flea shampoo let your dog dry off completly before putting the flea collar back on. That is perfectly fine!
Flea collars and flea shampoo are both rubbish.

Get yourself a good monthly spot on treatment.

I use Advantage.
no.. then the flea collar stop working....

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