Friday, July 30, 2010

Looking for organic shampoo for color treated hair that gets oily 2nd or 3d day after wash. 40 year old?

Looking for a safe/organic/natural shampoo and conditioner. My hair is color treated and by the 2nd or 3rd day after shampoo--it's very oily. My hair has never been oily before. Seems once I hit 40 years old, it suddently gets oily after 2nd-3rd day after shampoo. Eating healthy, exercising,etc.--so not sure--is this start of menopause! LOL. Thanks in advance for recommending an organic shampoo line that is natural and safe.Looking for organic shampoo for color treated hair that gets oily 2nd or 3d day after wash. 40 year old?
The best advice is to use a baby shampoo. Try johnson and Johnson's. This is gentle enough to be used more often , without drying out your hair. Skip conditioner all together now and then as these can build up on your hair and scalp causing unnecessary oil build up. If you must use conditioner, use the leave in spray types. These are less concentrated, thus less oil buildup. Hope this helps good luck

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