Friday, July 30, 2010

What Herbal Essences Shampoo and conditioner is best?

i've got quite thick, brown hair, that often gets mildly dry once just washed. which shampoo and conditioner is best?What Herbal Essences Shampoo and conditioner is best?
Dry ends/Greasey Roots

Its The Blue OneWhat Herbal Essences Shampoo and conditioner is best?
use one for moisture only shampoo your roots dont shampoo through the ends and slather on the conditioner
the Hello Hydration.

The conditioner and Shampoo comes in a pack of two.

DO NOT get the 2-in-1 pack it NEVER works for any kind of shampoo.

Hello Hydration Herbal Essences Shampoo mosturizes your hair and leaves it smelling great, looking shiny and luscious, and not at all dry!
Go onto thier website and look at thier line.

Each shampoo and conditioner has a different purpose.

I hope you will find what you need.

Take care and good luck.
The hydration one!!!!!

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