Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shampoo for dry / damaged hair, if you dont have this kind of hair is it bad to use?

I bought a shampoo for dry or damaged hair, Im not sure what classification my hair is but if I use this stuff %26amp; I dont have dry or damaged hair, is it bad for your hair to use?Shampoo for dry / damaged hair, if you dont have this kind of hair is it bad to use?
No. Shampoo is made to do one thing which is clean your hair. There are certain ingredients in shampoos that focus on certain things, but that doesn't mean that if you don't have those things that the shampoo won't clean your hair. Don't worry about it. If anything, you will come out with better hair than you had before.Shampoo for dry / damaged hair, if you dont have this kind of hair is it bad to use?
No but, if ur hair isnt dry or damage and just normal or oily.. it will be over moisturized and start to be sticky after a couple washes
its not bad, but it isn't good for it because this shampoo is designed for the dry and damaged hair, for example if you use a grease type shampoo on normal hair, the normal hair would then become more dry, because the grease shampoo would take away more natural oils then normal shampoo's would..

if your hair is sort of dry and dull then the shampoo may be alright to use in the hair..
It won't hurt your hair. It will just help protect it from future damage.
Actually No. It doesn't do any damage to your head or hair and at the desame time it doesn't do anything to you.
It won't be 'bad' per se, but if it is made for the dry/damaged hair then it may contain extra moisturizers and conditioners. It may give your hair too much of those and could weigh it down or make it greasy......but it won't damage it.

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