Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What can I use to shampoo my guinea pig?

hi my guinea pig is very dirty. i dont know what to use as shampoo. the only shampoo i have is mine and my dogs. can i use one of those or can i just use soap from the bathroom

btw i cant go to the pet store cause no one can take me.

thanxWhat can I use to shampoo my guinea pig?
My biggest concern here is how it got so dirty, please be sure that you clean the potty spot of his cage ever two days and the entire cage every 6 to 7 days. If you do this you should not have to give it a bath as they are very good at keeping their self's clean.

If you truly do have to wash him use Johnson's No more tears shampoo, it is gentle enough for their skin and if you accidentally get some in their eyes you will not injure them.What can I use to shampoo my guinea pig?
How did he get very dirty? Just rinse him off and dry him down for now, and don't bother with shampoo. Human shampoo, even for babies, can be a huge skin irritant, as it's too strong. Dog shampoo is also much too strong. Just wait till you can get the pet store for some proper guinea pig shampoo. they're sensitive animals, and shouldn't be toyed with.
use johnson %26amp; johnson babby shapoo it is what i use 4 my rats jut make sure that the lable says tearless if u have nobody to take u then next time u happen to be at a store then just pick some up

good luck !!!!
It's probably best not to use dog shampoo or normal soap as it might be too strong.

I know you can't go to the pet shop but I think that would be best, just to be on the safe side.
The Only Thing you can do is just wash him with water and give him a nice scrub, until you can get some shampoo He Will Be Fine, i forgot to mention baby jhonsans shampoo is fine, you can also use that on your dog. :}
Do you have any baby shampoo? If so use that (Johnson's is good). If not just scrub him well with water. Do not use yours or your dogs because it might be to powerful.

answer mine plese鈥?/a>
I always bathed mine with baby shampoo. I read in a book that it would work for them... plus it smells good!

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