Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is the best smelling shampoo/conditioner?

what shampoo + conditioner smells the best (preferrably with a line of styling products too, because when they don't smell the same or their different brands, the effects of the shampoo conditioner doesnt turn out right (ie counteracts an anti poof shampoo, hair turns out frizzy) and my hair smells a little funny)

also, what brand has a good heat protectant that smells nice

drugstore brands are preferrable, but other brands are good 2.

thanks! : )What is the best smelling shampoo/conditioner?
I'm a hairdresser and my FAVORITE shampoo and conditioner smell wise is called Brunette Goddess by TIGI BedHead. It works great, and it's not just for brunettes. It smells like Cupcakes, and it makes your hair soft and luxurious. I use it on all my clients.

The whole TIGI styling line smells great too. It all depends on what you want to do with your hair. Everything smells good in that line.

If you need anything, let me know.What is the best smelling shampoo/conditioner?
try evokativ by Sebastian.. they have a whole range and even anti frizz serums which work well
herbal essesces makes a great line of shampoo and conditioners that smell like tropical firut...its smells like you can eat ... um. biosilk makes good heat protectants and they dont have a realli strong scent the smell wont be noticeable..
i find that sunsilk hair products are the best products to buy in your local shoppers drug mart since pantene....

i sound like an advertisement but its true!!
The Victoria Secrets shampoo/conditioners .. and hair products smell incredibly delicious!!
I love Victoria's Secret So Sexy shampoo and conditioner! It smells so great in your hair and they have a whole line of styling product. I love it!
herbal essences smells really good and they have the whole line of products that goes with all of the scents
Garnier Frutus
NO definetly don't use garnier frutis...they test the most on animals...herbal essences is good and it smells great
My fave shampoo/conditioners are from Bath and Body Works... My hair smells terrific!!!
welll, i think the cheapest is herbal essence (SUPER FRUITY) any of theirs or in syling line, Back to Basics they are fruity or any other smell you like, green tea ginsing, apricot, etc.

and kenra for the heat protectant
Sunsilk smells soooooo good...Especially the purple one-I think its Smoothing? Smells and feels AWESOME.
garnier fructis (bright green bottle)

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