Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the best shampoo for split ends?

There are so many on the market you'll need to experiment on a few shampoo's. I'd actually purchase a really good conditioner this is what is going to help.

Leave the conditioner on your hair then tie a plastic

bag on it, leave it on for a couple of hours than rinse

it off. You'll really see a major difference. Try

trimming very little off at least every 2 months until

your split ends are gone and you'll have healthy hair

again. Your hair stylist can advise you on a few tips.What is the best shampoo for split ends?
aussie or dove

from personal experienceWhat is the best shampoo for split ends?
have trimming done 2 the ends of ur hair.
i use VO5
Pantene and use a deep conditioner
Get them cut off is the best answer
None, once they are there u just gotta cut em off
just cut your hair it is way better

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